The goal of TSD Engineering’s Consulting Service is to provide design engineers with the most meaningful engineering data in the quickest time possible. You may simply E-mail your model files or a sketch and then give us a call so we may talk about the details. If it’s too big, you can up-load it to our FTP site. Email or call us and you will be setup with a special password protected directory on our FTP server. Oftentimes you may have preliminary results within a few hours.
“Design decisions are made in hours, not days or weeks”
By the time most traditional consulting companies would be sending you their proposal, TSD Engineering wants to be sending you design solutions and new options. Results are not just a bunch of pictures. Based on decades of experience in evaluating designs you will get a professional evaluation of the data and guidance on what the next step should be.
“TSD Engineering will become a member of your design team”
TSD Engineering would like to get involved in your project as soon as possible. Simulation tools are the most useful and most productive when used at the beginning of the design cycle. Engineers have the most flexibility during the concept phase of the design cycle, when changes are cheaper and models are simpler. TSD Engineering’s expertise is most effective when integrated with your design team, because the more we know about your project and design goals up front the better we are able to recognize areas where we may have the greatest impact.
TSD Engineering’s strategy is to produce useful results as soon as possible and keep the data coming at a useful and progressive rate during the design process. Our goal is the same as yours, to produce the highest quality design within the budget for both time and cost. Being a small owner operated company offers you some advantages over using larger consulting companies or even in-house resources. We’ll burn the midnight oil if required and do whatever it takes to keep our customers happy and satisfied. Contact us to get started.
Phone: 530-283-5931
Email: jim@TSDengineering.com