TSD Engineering currently offers introductory and custom training using Creo Simulate by Parametric Technology Corp. as well as a mentoring program to cover the subject of integrating simulation tools into the design process.
- Introduction to Simulation
- Advanced Simulation Techniques
- Mentor Program
It is assumed that all instruction/consulting will be performed at the customer facility and the customer will provide a conference room or other similar location equipped with a white board and computer screen projector for this purpose. Also, the customer will make Creo Simulate licenses available on their computer system for participants to use while working through the training examples. These classes as outlined also assume that each participant is familiar with Creo Parametric and can construct simple parts and assemblies (accommodations for non-Creo users are available as many of our customers use SolidWorks or other CAD tools). It is also assumed that participants have a basic understanding of mechanics including topics such as stress, stiffness, natural frequency and heat transfer.
Prices listed are subject to change without notice and are based on the availability of the instructor.
Instructor’s Note:
The mechanical design simulation courses offered have been developed over several decades and are based on decades of experience in the industry. The complete set of course material is much deeper and richer than anything else offered to the design engineer. The Introduction course will get you up and going with Creo Simulate while the Customized Advanced courses will teach you the tricks of the trade specific to your design application.
Offering the Introduction course on-site with a self-guided tutorial will provide you with a flexible schedule that will not be as intrusive to the regular work schedule as a full week classroom style training would. The lecture periods will provide practical insight into the use of the tool as well as cover information not covered or not practical to cover in the tutorial. The lectures can be customized to you specific needs.
The Custom Advanced course may also be provided on a very flexible schedule and will be customized to suite your needs.
Offering the courses in this format is also very cost effective. You will get the highest quality training experience with least expensive approach.